AL3 Downloads to Google or Excel Sheets

Get daily AL3 Downloads data into Google or Excel Sheets

If you need daily AL3 download information added or updated in Google or Excel sheets, we are here to help. You get the information for Policy Transactions, DB Commission downloads, Claim downloads, and eDocs downloads updated on your Google Drive or Microsoft 365 account. All the major commercial and personal lines of business are supported. All the major transaction codes like NBS, PCH, RWL, XLC, REI, RIX, XLN, MEM, SYN, etc are supported.

What is AL3?

The ACORD AL3 Standard was developed in the early 1980s. AL3 is a flat file of fixed length. AL3 Standard is widely used across the P&C Industry today. According to ACORD, over 500 insurance companies use this standard to share policy data with over 20,000 agents and/or brokers using over 40 individual agency management systems. It is used exclusively for P&C policy download. A carrier sends a full image of all policies on which a transaction has occurred including new business, renewals, and changes of any kind to the agent, daily through the AL3 files.

Email us at for more details and pricing information. We also provide AL3 consultancy so our team can work closely with your team for integration assistance and to provide any consultation you need.

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