Hawksoft API Integration

Integrate with Hawksoft via Hawksoft API

Are you looking to sync your policy data from Hawksoft using Hawksoft API and need assistance? We are here to help. We have extensive experience working with the Hawksoft API to integrate with Hawksoft CMS (API V1.8 or V3 or Hawksoft 6 Cloud version) to retrieve data and store it in a database or over Salesforce. The data can be synchronized at a scheduled time every day or even multiple times in a day depending on your needs.

We can also help you build other software apps on top of the Hawksoft data like saving this data in Salesforce CRM or FSC or creating business intelligence analytics on top of this data.

If you are using the Hawksoft Desktop Client app (CMS), then also Hawksoft API is supported. Using the API, the following information can be retrieved:

  • Agency Offices
  • Changed Clients (that have a policy or other information modified)
  • Specific Client’s information
  • Client List
  • Post a Log Note
  • Post an Attachment

If you have already upgraded to the Hawksoft Cloud version, then the API has even more features.

Contact us today or send us an email at contact@winsurtech.com to fetch Hawksoft data and use it for your other software needs.

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