Personal auto insurance covers private vehicles. It is used to provide protection against monetary loss to an insured from bodily injury or property damage to other automobiles.
A totaled Car means if the insured met with an accident and the car gets damaged fully. Now the insurance company will call it totaled(can’t be repaired) if the car value is less than the value of the repair. In simple words, the insurance company will call it a total loss.
This means the insured car can’t be repaired and cannot be used anymore.
In the case of a Totaled, the insured will get the actual cash value of the car before it’s an accident. The insurance company will research and compare similar cars in the insured locality and determine the actual cash value of the car or the insurer can replace your car if not you can get cash. Now if insurers offer a replacement car, it must be similar in condition to your totaled car before the accident.
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